The General Management defines the Quality policy through the documentation of the objectives and commitments undertaken according to the company strategies towards customers and the market, so that the performance of the quality management system is implemented, maintained and improved, guaranteeing the adherence to applicable regulatory and mandatory requirements.
Through this document, the Management intends to define and disseminate the guidelines that must guide the action of the people involved in the various company activities, inspiring and directing their behavior in the pursuit of the set objectives.
To seek and maintain a commitment focused on customer expectations, the company is constantly committed to:
• Determine, understand and regularly satisfy customer requirements and applicable mandatory requirements, developing products designed and created to meet customer needs, to anticipate expectations and provide solutions that create added value.
• Determine and address risks and opportunities that may affect product and service compliance, and the ability to increase customer satisfaction.
• Maintain focus on increasing customer satisfaction.
To fulfill the mission of continuous improvement, the company intends to:
• Provide products capable of satisfying customer requests and expectations in line with national and international best practices and in compliance with all current legislative requirements.
• Guarantee the constant improvement of company efficiency and pursue continuous improvement through the application of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard using and developing the Quality Management System as a tool to achieve the objectives.
• Focus activities on customer satisfaction through rapid and efficient service in order to establish a leadership position on the market.
• Ensure that the Quality Policy is communicated, understood and applied within the company and made available to relevant stakeholders, as appropriate.
• Spread appropriate culture and methodologies throughout the organization so that all people are constantly able to provide the best service to the customer.
The company has determined the external and internal factors relevant to its objectives and strategic directions that can influence its ability to achieve the results expected from its Quality Management System.
This assessment is present in the Risk and Opportunity Analysis Matrix document from which the Quality Objectives and the Company Improvement Plan arise.
In defining the risks and opportunities, the aspects of continuity of investments in machinery/plants were confirmed with the aim of maintaining the company in a leadership position in the sanitary taps sector. Furthermore, to improve the management and organizational aspects, the process of updating the current management system is being completed.
To meet the objectives indicated above, the Management undertakes to make adequate resources and means available in terms of skills, information, economic and financial resources, verifying their implementation and adequacy on an annual basis.
Suno 01/15/2024
General direction
Alberto Nobili
Quality Assurance Manager
Mattia Franceschi